Sunday, December 21, 2014


Weeks went by and Jonas had learned many things such as the name of COLORS. Now Jonas sees a glimpse of colors sometimes. Jonas thinks that isn't fair that they don't have colors any more. Jonas tried to give the memory of colors but Asher didn't saw them. Next the Giver transmitted Jonas the memory of hunters killing an elephant. That day, Jonas told Lily that elephants really existed but Lily didn't believed him.Then the Giver explained Jonas why their job is so important and it is because the Committee of Elders need the Giver memories to help them solve problems that they didn't know how to solve on their own. Some days, the Giver sent Jonas back to his home instead of training because he was in pain. One day Jonas asked what caused him so much pain and the Giver transmitted him a memory where he was on the sled but tis time was different, now he got hurt and felt pain for the first time!! After that, the Giver started giving Jonas more painful memories. One day, Jonas took baby Gabe to sleep in his room. That night, Jonas gave bay Gabe a memory that was a bright day in a lake and in that lake there were little sailboats. Jonas didn't tell the Giver that he did this. Some days later, he went to his training but he gas going to be send away but he asked that Giver if he could help him. The Giver transmitted the memory that had being causing him pain. The memory was about a war! When the Giver finished transmitting the memory he told Jonas to forgive him. The next several days, the Giver had being giving memories of pleasure like a birthday party, family, Christmas, LOVE.

The Giver was gentle with him for many days following the terrible memory of war. (121)

I found this quote ideal to express what are some of my thoughts I had on these last chapters. I think that this quote has to do with the theme Pain vs. Pleasure. What the author is trying to say is that there should be a balanced between pain and pleasure. It isn't good to have too much pain or too much pleasure. it is good to have a balance of both.

I really enjoyed reading these chapters. I can't wait to continue reading the book next year. If I have learned something from these last chapters it would be that there should be a balanced between pain and pleasure.

Monday, December 15, 2014


I really enjoy reading chapters 9-12. A lot of things happened during these chapters. Jonas felt apart for the first time, he felt different. That same day he got the instructions for his new assignment as the receiver of memory. There weren’t as much rules and instructions as in the other assignments. Some of the rules here that he couldn’t apply for any medicine if it had some thing to do with his training, he could skip dream telling, he couldn’t be released and he could LIE. The next day Jonas and the rest of his friend had their first day of training for their new assignments. Jonas got to the Annex where it was his training. When he entered to the room, here were a lot of books on the walls and a man sitting on a chair, that man was the Giver (the old Receiver of Memory). The Giver told Jonas to lie down in the bed so he can give him the memory of snow. Jonas enjoyed the snow.Then the Giver have him the memory of sunshine and sunburn. In the memory of the sunburn he felt pain. The next day Jonas lied for the first time, he told his mother that he didn’t dreamed any thing but he dreamed with snow.
Then Jonas and Fiona where going to their training together. When Fiona was entering to the House of the Old, he notices that something had changed in Fiona’s hair. Jonas told his to the Giver and he told Jonas that he is starting to see the colour red. Then the Giver was going to give him the memory of the RAINBOW.

“It hurt a lot,” Jonas said, “but I’m glad you gave to me. It was interesting. And now I understand better, what it meant, that there will be pain.” (86)

This quote left me with some questions and predictions. Some of the questions I have are, if this was on the first day, how will it be further on? Will he be fine at the end? Does Jonas will suffer too much with his training? A prediction I made is that each time the memories will become more painful and less pleasurable. 

I’m enjoying reading this book. I want to finish it soon. I feel a little sorry for Jonas because he needs to suffer in order to accomplish his new assignment. But, even though Jonas was feeling pain, he was glad that the Giver gave him those memories and he was very thankful. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

Chapters 5-8 ;)

On chapters 5-8 there have being a lot of things going on. In chapter 5 Jonas had for the first time Stirrings and also it was the first time he took pills to control those Stirrings.

 In chapter 6 the ceremonies started. First was the ceremony of One where the new children were given their names and family units. There Jonas and Asher were talking about the loss of a 4 because the couple that lost their child were getting a new one.

 In chapter 7 the ceremony of 12 started. Every body got their assignments except for Jonas.

In chapter 8, the Chief Elder told every one that Jonas didn't got his assignment because he was the selected.  in other words, he was the new Receiver.

 "'Asher,' she said, 'thank you for your childhood'" 
I loved this quote. When I was reading it caught my attention because even though she says that to everyone, it makes them feel special, or at least, that is what I think. She had being observing them since they were born. She had seen them grow their hole life. But still I have one question, does  she really mean it?

I have like these last chapters, specially chapter 8. I look forward to continue reading because from my lasts experiences, I know that when you read more the book, it becomes more interesting. I predict that Jonas will finally understand what is the Capacity to See Beyond and that he has that ability and he will be a good student and he will learn all the things that the Giver will taught him and very fast.